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November 5, 2015

8 DAYS left to apply for Daniels Scholarship!

Online applications for the Daniels Scholarship will be open September 14th, 2015 through November 13, 2015!

The Daniels Scholarship is an exciting and challenging program that provides the opportunity to obtain a four-year college education at any accredited nonprofit college or university in the United States, complete with financial and personal support throughout the journey. The Daniels Scholarship Program offers resources, encouragement, and inspiration far beyond the financial assistance needed to earn a college degree. Our goal is not only to help Daniels Scholars succeed in college, but to ensure that they thrive beyond their years in college.

Every year, Daniels Scholars are selected from our four-state region of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. Daniels Scholars currently attend more than 200 colleges and universities in 44 states.

Daniels Scholars are selected because they embody the principles and values Bill Daniels defined as hallmarks of the program:

  • Strength of character
  • Leadership potential
  • Academic performance or promise
  • Willingness to give back to the community
  • Well-rounded personality

In addition, there are a number of specific requirements to be eligible for the Daniels Scholarship Program.

Please visit the website to read additional eligibility requirements and information.