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February 3, 2016

Flagger Certification - TNT Construction Training

T-N-T Construction Training is happy to announce we are now an approved training provider for the Colorado Department of Transportation and will be offering CDOT’s Flagger (Certified Traffic Control Specialist) Training and Certification Program.  This course is based on the Manual on Uniformed Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) federal requirements along with discussion of state specific requirements.

The next certification training will be held Saturday, February 27th, 2016 9am-1pm.  Location of training:  Northeast Church of Christ:  5490 Crown Blvd, Denver CO  80239.

Successful participants will receive their certification upon completion. Participants must be at least 18 years of age.  It is a necessary requirement that all flaggers be able to read and understand the “Flaggers Training Manual”, “Flaggers Reference Guide”, and the Flaggers Proficiency Exam in order to complete CDOT’s minimum training requirements and become a certified flagger.  The proficiency exam is closed book and a score of 80% is required for passing.  All materials will be provided by T-N-T Construction Training and the participants will be allowed to keep the “Flaggers Reference Guide”.

The flagger certification card is valid for two years from the date issued.  Lost or expired cards can only be replaced by re-examination.

The participant must present a photograph identification document issued by a governmental authority, i.e. driver’s license, state issued identification card, passport or military identification card.

The cost of this certification training is $75.00 per participant.  Authorization for participation must be received prior to a participant attending training.  Authorizations for a participant's attendance can be faxed to 303-307-1723.  Participants can pay for their own training with cash or money order due on the day of training.

Participants will also be given a current list of employers hiring certified flaggers.  Starting wages for flaggers can range between $10-15 based on experience, the location of the job, and the company.  For more information or to refer a client contact:

Thomas C. Trotman, Training Coordinator
T-N-T Construction Training, LLC