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March 27, 2018

Summer 2018 - Project Voyce - Youth ages 14-25

Project Voyce is a leadership and action civics boot camp!

Click Here to Download the Application Packet

The VOYCE Academy brings together a diverse cohort of youth ages 14-25 for a 5-
week action civics bootcamp. The Academy provides the space for youth to build
community with one another, gain confidence, new perspectives, competencies, and a
better sense of their own path as a leader. Program participants explore topics related
to identity, power, and privilege, and learn skills such as civic leadership, participatory
action research, community organizing/advocacy, and youth-adult partnerships. The
program highlights the interdependence of critical consciousness and social action
through an Action Civics cycle: program participants use the skills and tools they’ve
learned about social change and apply them by developing a public policy
presentation. All participants are competitively selected for this transformative
program and receive a full scholarship for participation expenses and a participation
stipend at the completion of the program.