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June 19, 2018

Boy's Backpacking Trip - July 18-20 - Info Meeting on June 26th

CYL Boy's Backpacking Trip
When: July 18th - 20th
Where: Lost Creek Wilderness - Trail #612
With Who: Fearless Leaders Tom Robinson (CYL Recruitment & Outreach), Josh Mendrala (CYL all-star grad) along with 6 other epic adventuring high school students

Info Meeting on Tuesday June 26th @ 7:00pm
RSVP at:

Get stoked for an adventure of a lifetime. Filled with hiking, camping, creek swimming, cave exploration, orienteering and more. Join us for a 3 day, 2 night adventure into the Lost Creek
Wilderness. We will be hiking into the wilderness via Goose Creek Trail #612 for about 5 miles to our campsite situated in a beautiful aspen forest. The campsite is pristeen and near to fun
opportunities for boulder scrambling, a beautiful cave to explore and trail that heads to beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. We will have a campfire and smores, practice
orienteering, work on identifying wild plants and animals, and have active team building activities. Get prepared for a mountain adventure of a lifetime!

All abilities and skill levels will be accomodated! We have planned the trip so we can easily modulate our plans to accommodate students who are keen for exploring, adventure, hiking and others
who may be scared about going on their first backpacking trip. This is for everyone and having a diverse level of skills and experience will make our team stronger and our trip more meaningful.