INROADS has graduated over 28,000 talented youth from
interns to full-time managerial jobs
with over 1,000 major companies such as: Kaiser Permanente, Travelers, Lockheed
Martin, MetLife, Inc., Harris Corporation and more Fortune 500 companies.
The Opportunity:
The INROADS Leadership Development Program provides
professional training, which includes access to a career-related paid summer
internship at a Fortune 500 company!
The Benefits:
*Multi-year internships at top pay: $6,000-10,000 per summer.
*Potential for a full-time job offer.
*Assigned corporate mentor.
*Professional/managerial training by corporate professionals.
*Personalized coaching from an INROADS Advisor.
*Free tutoring and taking part in networking with executives
and career-minded peers.
The Requirements:
*One or more summers remaining prior to completion of an
undergraduate degree.
*Internships require 3.0 GPA.
*For additional guidelines review the application.
The Career Paths:
Engineering, Information Technology, Sales, Financial Services, Allied Healthcare,
Retail Management, Food Sciences, Government and more ...
For additional information, please contact:
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