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May 11, 2015

Apprenticeships and Training with Mountain States Line Constructions

The Mountain States Line Constructors Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program was created to provide quality apprenticeship and training programs for the Outside Electrical Construction Industry. Our focus is clear and unwavering. We are committed to producing the industry's finest craftsmen, and have met employers training needs for nearly a half century.

We continually seek individuals who are enthusiastic and motivated, and who have the aptitude to work in a challenging work environment. The men and women who build, repair, and maintain electric power lines, and related systems, can look forward to a demanding, but rewarding career.

The MSLCAT geographic region includes the states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. Apprentices must accept all job assignments within the Mountain States jurisdiction and must have their own means of reliable transportation. They are expected to travel and live away from home, if necessary. Some jobs offer subsistence pay to off set expenses.

All applicants for apprenticeship who complete the application process, including an oral interview, will be eligible for indenture. Applicants will be selected on an as needed basis, as jobs become available. A good candidate is one with a record of having done well in school, especially in math and science; one who has demonstrated reliability and a sincere desire to succeed; and one who has a positive attitude and a desire to work hard.

To read more about MSLCAT and to apply, visit