We specialized in great varieties of Asian cuisines; Thai, Hong Kong and Japanese (sushi).
Purple Ginger Asian Fusion 2
7340 S Clinton St
Englewood, CO
* fine dining service or similar (preferred)
* must be able to work in a fast paced environment
* fast learner, motivated and passionate with the work
* able to provide exceptional customer service
* able to work weekend and holiday
* must have reliable transportation
*Oriental cuisines knowledge is a plus
*wine knowledge and service is a plus
Come in person and bring your resume for interview (come between 2-4pm) ask for Anna
will not answer to email or phone calls
part time/full time/ split shift am-pm
February 5, 2014
PT/FT Server (Denver Tech Center)
Posted by Goodwill Youth Services on 9:52 AM. 18+,Denver Tech Center,lakewood,PT/FT -
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